The Hydra-Bot uses asynchronous events to provide clearer understanding and streamline workflows. You can listen for information on each aspect separately. For example:
The interfaceChange event, as the name suggests, monitors any changes in the interface of the client connected to WhatsApp. For instance, if the client is on the QR code screen, the event will trigger a callback with the interface "QR," representing the QR Code page. If it is "MAIN," it will indicate the main chat page, and so on. Below are the possible statuses that can be returned.
// The "interfaceChange" event can return the following interface states:
// QR - QR code page.
// MAIN - Chat page.
// CONNECTION - Connection.
// SYNCING - Loading page, waiting for data from the smartphone.
// OFFLINE - Offline page, when there is no internet connection.
// CONFLICT - Conflict page, when another WhatsApp Web session is open.
// PROXYBLOCK - Blocked page due to proxy restrictions.
// TOS_BLOCK - Blocked page (Terms of Service violation).
// SMB_TOS_BLOCK - Blocked page (Terms of Service violation for SMB users).
// DEPRECATED_VERSION - Deprecated version page.
// The change information can include elements like screen changes or navigation.
ev.on("interfaceChange", (change: any) => {
// Processes the interface change, like navigation between screens
console.log("Interface change detected:", change);
When the browser is redirected to the QR Code page, this event is triggered. It provides the QR Code in base64 format, allowing you to use it wherever you want!
// The QR code is sent to the client as a string or object containing data for login.
ev.on("qrcode", (qrcode) => {
// Displays the generated QR code for WhatsApp Web authentication
console.log("QR Code for authentication:", qrcode);
This event provides information about the connection status, indicating whether the client is connected or disconnected, whether the browser was closed, if something is being downloaded, or if it failed to access the WhatsApp page, among other things. In short, it monitors the user's connection!
// Connection data may include network status or connection errors.
ev.on('connection', async (conn) => {
// Displays information about the connection status
console.log("Connection status:", conn);
if (conn.connect) {
// Was connected to whatsapp chat
console.error("Has connected");
The event is triggered whenever a new message is edited, either by the recipient or the sender.
// The edited message may include the previous content and the new content.
ev.on("newEditMessage", async (editMessage) => {
// Processes the edited message by checking changes in content
console.log("Message edited:", editMessage);
The event is triggered whenever a message is deleted.
// The deleted message may include the message ID and other related details.
ev.on("newDeleteMessage", async (deleteMessage) => {
// Processes the deletion of the message and notifies the user
console.log("Message deleted:", deleteMessage);
This event listens for all new emojis in a chat. When the chat is opened, all emojis are loaded.
// This can be used to analyze which reactions were added to new messages.
ev.on("onIntroReactionMessage", async (introReaction) => {
// Processes the intro reaction (emoji) to the new message
console.log("New intro reaction received:", introReaction);
Sempre que uma mensagem receber uma reação com um emoji, você receberá o ID da mensagem, o emoji que foi adicionado ou removido e a lista completa de todos os emojis associados à mensagem.
// The reaction may include details like the emoji, sender, and associated message.
ev.on("onReactionMessage", async (reaction) => {
// Processes the reaction added to an existing message
console.log("Reaction added to message:", reaction);
When you send a message and obtain its ID, you can check the message status through this event. You can find out if the message was sent, if there was an error, if it's pending, and other situations.
// This can include data such as delivery and read status, allowing message state tracking.
ev.on("newOnAck", async (event) => {
// To monitor the status of each message, the following parameters can be returned:
// SENDER_BACKFILL_SENT: -7 // Message sent after a backfill by the sender.
// INACTIVE_RECEIVED: -6 // Message received but not active.
// CONTENT_UNUPLOADABLE: -5 // Message content could not be uploaded.
// CONTENT_TOO_BIG: -4 // Message content exceeds the size limit.
// CONTENT_GONE: -3 // Message content is no longer available.
// EXPIRED: -2 // Message expired and cannot be delivered.
// FAILED: -1 // Message delivery failed.
// CLOCK: 0 // Message is pending (waiting to be sent).
// SENT: 1 // Message has been sent.
// RECEIVED: 2 // Message has been received.
// READ: 3 // Message has been read.
// PLAYED: 4 // Media message has been played.
// Processes the acknowledgment status of the message
console.log("Message ack status:", event);
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